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PRIM 100

PRIM 100

Strength 100%
Muscle Gain 80%
Fat/Water loss 65%
Side Effects 50%
Keep Gains 75%


Primobolan is a moderate anabolic steroid. First, methenolone acetate was produced in the form of injections, but later it was also available in tablets. Androgenic activity of this steroid is very low, similar to its anabolic activity. No significant bulk increase can be expected with it. In low season, it is better to use more active drugs and reserve primobolan for pre-competition preparation. In addition, this drug should be used by those who are afraid of side effects. Primobolan is not c-17-alpha-alkylated, thus, it is not hepatotoxic. Unfortunately, с-1- alkylation does not protect it properly from degradation, that is why it can be used in a greater dose than other steroids.


Potency  . . . . . . . . . . . 100mg/ml.

Dosage . . . . . . . . . . . 50-75mg/day.